joi, 20 ianuarie 2011

My future 10 years of life

I am a very innocent person but with different things as difficult as I transform me in a person who must fight, because Life is a struggle to not have to give up even in thought! My life is full of very special moments of each other. Each day is a new day, because everything can change something. I find it very hard to say what will be a day, more so to be in 10 years. The past is forgotten! The future is dark! So live with today! Now I just live, I live moment, and when I feel something special I say: Stop the moment, I wanna to feel you!  I Live for today because yesterdays are over and tomorrows may never come!
 A new year strarted, I reviewed after a long holiday my dear  friends , the lessons active and passive recreation with a smile on the face, because we are together again. I feel good, that's the main! I do not want to plan something in the future, but I know precise that I want to realize  when I wake up one morning 10 years later that I am happy!

Happy because with me is a nice person, which I love and I will always be in my water, happy as I studied what I wanted them, I liked one thing, I have a place where i sleep and when I wake up I see the sun as shine my room cheerful!

2 comentarii:

  1. Nu ma mir daca urmatorul post va fi in limba rusa... iar cel de al patrulea in chineza...

  2. uite ca urmatorul ein romana ci nu in rusa :D
